Transforming from the inside-out at Food and Beverage Manufacturing Summit in Las Vegas
November 16, 2017

Bottom-up and top-down are two popular modes for a lean transformation, but who has ever heard about an inside-out transformation? Inside-out is what Goodyear did for its transformation of global R&D. Inside-out includes helping the people who do the day-to-day work to lead a successful transformation by providing a sponsor, training, coaching and empowerment. Leadership support alone is not sufficient in an inside-out transformation: leadership must change as well, learn to help associates be successful and show respect for people, which is a very important concept that applies to all associates. The transformation leader plays a crucial role and must change first.

  • Discover how a successful transformation is one where the people involved are convinced they did it all by themselves
  • Understand why and how leadership must change in a lean environment
  • Understand the importance of respect for people
  • Learn how transformations, such as what occurred at Goodyear, are also much easier to sustain
  • Find out how to become a successful transformation leader